What happened in July and August 2008

One major breakthrough was that the company I worked for obtained the licence (finally!), but still facing some problems, namely money or capital. As an IT manager I had nothing to do with it...but... since we just started and still small, everybody is more or less involved.

Me and my boss flew to Denpasar on the 23rd (of July), took an afternoon flight. We arrived just after dark, and were met by our colleagues, Ariya (the Denpasar Branch Manager), and his staff, Teges.

My boss planned to stay for a couple of days, give some briefing and overview of SOP (Standard Operating Procedure), and me, like always, explain and setup the system. 

The programs actually weren't 100% ready (as usual), and there were in fact quite a major adjustments and additions to programs / system after we discussed with the staffs. I couldn't predict how long it would take to make adjustments, but I told my boss, I have to stay longer, and after all, we haven't got an internet connection yet.

Guess what, earlier in Jakarta, I called the Denpasar Telkom Speedy 147 (dialed 0361 prefix), and they told me that our telephone line in Denpasar is ready for ADSL connection, just have to come and register. That evening we arrived in Denpasar, at the airport, Ariya told us that according to Telkom, our line is not availabe for ADSL.


There was no Plan-B !!! Have to setup internet connection in Denpasar at any cost. Returned the ADSL modem that I ordered by phone from Jakarta. Went to computer store, Rimo, with Ariya, and... as a replacement bought the CDMA Venus VT-12 with Starone internet connection (Indosat). At least got the (promised) 230 kbps internet connection and could start testing the ftp transfer with Jakarta. Slow, but stable, what else could I expect ?

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